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Hosting a lecture by an overseas expert

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 59

Russian (Professor Pyo Sang-yong, Department of Russian Language) held an expert lecture on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 from 11:00 to 12:00 in Room 1310 of the Language Building at the Global Campus, with Senior Private Documents Officer Yoo Hee-kwon of the New York Public Library. At this event, which was held for students of the department and the Russian Studies Department, Yoo Hee-kwon gave a lecture on the topic of “Carpe Diem: Finding Happiness". In the lecture, Yoo Hee-kwon explained why he went to the United States to study Russian, his memories of studying Russian history while he was there, and his interest in secondary studies. He said that what made him who he is today was his passion to not settle for reality and to continue to reveal everything, and he told the students to make each day a process of designing their lives with strength and drawing a picture of completing it.
