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    Regional Studies of Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia

    ISSN 2166-4307

Aims & Scope

REGION is a peer-reviewed international journal that explores the history and current political, economic, social, and cultural affairs of the entire former Soviet bloc. In particular, the journal focuses on various facets of transformation at the local and national levels in the aforementioned regions, as well as the changing character of their relationships with the rest of world in the context of glocalization.

REGION is published by the Slavica publishers on behalf of the Institute of Russian Studies at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea.

Peer Review

All submitted articles go through a peer review process, after initial screening by internal editors. Each article is read by a minimum of two anonymous external referees.

Editorial Board

  • ◎ Editors-in-chief
    • - Lewis Siegelbaum (History, Michigan State Univ., USA)
    • - Sang Yong Pyo (Linguistics, Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies, Korea)
  • ◎ Managing Editor
    • - Joonseo Song (History, Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies, Korea)
    • - Joonseok Kim (Literature, Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies, Korea)
  • ◎ Book Review Editor
    • - Liao Zhang (History, New York University, Shanghai, China)
  • ◎ Editors
    • - Evgeny Avdokushin (Economy, Moscow State University, Russia)
    • - Edith Clowes (Literature, University of Virginia, USA)
    • - Evgeny Dobrenko (Literature & Film, University of Sheffield, UK)
    • - Adrienne Edgar (History, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
    • - Dan Epstein (Politics, Harvard University, USA)
    • - Grigorii Golosov (Politics, European University at St. Petersburg, Russia)
    • - Helena Goscilo (Literature & Film, Ohio State University, USA)
    • - Guan Guihai (Politics, Pekin University, China)
    • - Wan-Suk Hong (Politics, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea)
    • - Nargis Kassenova (Politics, KIMEP University, Kazakhstan)
    • - Hyun Taek Kim (Literature, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea)
    • - Daniela Koleva, (Philosophy, Sofia University, Bulgaria)
    • - Natalie Kononenko (Folklore, University of Alberta, Canada)
    • - Ivan Kurilla (Politics, European University at St. Petersburg, Russia)
    • - László Kürti (Anthropology, University of Miskole, Hungary)
    • - Stephen Lovell (History, King’s College London, UK)
    • - Donald J. Raleigh (History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)
    • - Richard Sakwa (Politics, Kent University, UK)
    • - Oscar Sanchez-Sibony (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
    • - Elena Shadrina (Economics, Waseda University, Japan)
    • - Lewis Siegelbaum (History, Michigan State University, USA)
    • - Vlad Strukov (Culture & Film, University of Leeds, UK)
    • - Rimma K. Tangalycheva (Sociology, St. Petersburg State University, Russia)
    • - Zhan T. Toshchenko (Sociology, Russian Academy of Science, Russia)
    • - Ilya Vinitsky (Literature, Princeton University, USA)
    • - Andrew Wachtel (Literature, Narxoz University, Kazakhstan)
    • - Krzysztof Zamorski (History, Jagiellonian University, Poland)

Please submit your articles to Managing Editor, Dr. Joonseo Song (
Book Review should be sent to Dr. Liao Zhang (