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2023, Korea-Russia Think Tank Network Construction Project International Academic Conference held

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 273

The Russian Institute (Director: Pyo Sang-yong) held an international academic conference and seminar in Moscow together with Hanyang University's Asia-Pacific Research Center and the Eurasian Policy Institute. The seminar, which was held in Moscow from October 16 to 19, 2023, was held at the Moscow University of International Relations (MGIMO) on the 16th, the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) under the Russian Academy of Sciences on the 18th, and the Institute of China and Modern Asia on the 19th. (ICCA) held it one after another.


As the first event, a seminar was held at the Moscow University of International Relations (MGIMO) with the theme “The situation in Northeast Asia and Korea-Russia relations after the Ukraine War.” Through an international academic conference with MGIMO, experts from both countries provided diagnoses on the situation in Northeast Asia due to changes in the international order following the Ukraine incident and the political, economic, and cultural relations between Korea and Russia.


The second event was held at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) under the Russian Academy of Sciences under the theme “International order in Northeast Asia and peace on the Korean Peninsula after the Ukraine War.” We analyzed the relationship between Russia and North Korea, which has recently become closer, and discussed future Korea-Russia cooperation in response to these changes.


The third event was held at the Institute of China and Contemporary Asia (ICCA) under the Russian Academy of Sciences under the theme of ‘Changes in the international order in Northeast Asia and the situation on the Korean Peninsula.’ The situation in Northeast Asia was analyzed on topics such as the U.S. Indo-Pacific strategy and triangular cooperation between North Korea, China and Russia, and solutions for normalizing the cooled relationship between Russia and Korea were discussed.

Director Sang-yong Pyo of the Russian Institute said, “We will continue to network with the Moscow University of International Relations (MGIMO), the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Institute of China and Contemporary Asia (ICCA) and hold symposiums between the two countries. “We plan to hold this event, and this exchange of experts will play an important role in maintaining Korea-Russia relations even in rapidly changing international situations such as the Ukraine crisis and the Gaza crisis,” he said.

