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The 8th Korean-Russian Humanities Association

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 42299
  October 28, 2021 (Thursday) The 8th Korean-Russian Humanities Association, co-hosted by the Russian Research Institute of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Director Sang-Yong Pyo) and the Korea Foundation Moscow Office, and sponsored by the Russian Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Foundation and the Korean Representative at St. Petersburg State University An exchange forum was held. The Korea-Russia Humanities Exchange Forum was launched in 2014 as part of a communication channel for cultural and artistic exchange between Korea and Russia to commemorate the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and Russia. This forum was held as an online forum according to the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the theme of 'The direction of public diplomacy after the pandemic and the tasks of Korea-Russia cultural cooperation', about 60 representative experts in the field of public diplomacy from both countries and academic follow-up Generations participated and had a lively discussion.
The forum, which began with congratulatory remarks by Lee Geun, Chairman of the Korea Foundation, Lee Seok-bae, Korean Ambassador to Russia, Andrey Kulik, Russian Ambassador to Korea, and Leonid Drachevsky Gorchakov, Secretary General of the Public Diplomacy Foundation, consisted of a total of three sessions. The first session, moderated by Sergei Andreusin, Vice-Chancellor of St. Petersburg State University, was held under the theme of 'Public Diplomatic Policy between Korea and Russia: Directions and Strategies'. Professor) and the characteristics and directions of Korea's public diplomacy policy (Professor Tae-Hwan Kim, National Diplomatic Academy) were discussed, followed by discussion by Professor Elena Haritonova, Institute of World Economics and International Relations, and Professor Dong-Joo Seo, Yonsei University.
The second session was moderated by Ko Jae-nam, President of the Eurasian Policy Research Institute, under the theme of “New Direction and Digital Transformation of Public Diplomacy between the two countries after the pandemic”. Natalia Zvetkova, a professor at St. Petersburg State University, gave an overview of the research status of digital and data diplomacy in Russia. Professor Sunmoon University participated in the discussion.
The third session was held under the theme of “Public Diplomacy in the Post-Corona Era and Strategies to Revitalize Korea-Russia Cultural Exchanges”, and Ekaterina Poholkova, Director of Interpretation and Translation, Moscow State University of Foreign Studies, was moderated. Kim Hyun-taek, professor at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, discussed the overall trend and development potential of cultural and artistic exchanges between Korea and Russia, and Maria Osetrova, a professor at the Center for Korean Studies at the Far Eastern Research Institute, held a Korean-Russian cultural exchange event using the 'Russian Film Festival' held in Korea as an example. presented on its achievements and limitations. A discussion followed by Elena Khohlkova, a professor at the High School of Economics, and Bang Kyo-young, president of the Korea-Russia Exchange Association. At the closing ceremony, Chul-Woo Lim, Director of the Korea Foundation Moscow Office, gave a closing remarks, emphasizing the meaning and purpose of the forum.