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Held an academic conference on "Recognition of Russian Humanities: The World in Russia."

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 737

On February 22, 2022 (Tue), the Russian Institute (Director: Pyo Sang-yong, Professor of Nor Language) HK+ Research Project Group held a domestic academic conference as part of academic activities for the Humanities and Korea Project. This academic conference was converted to an online (Webex) meeting due to the COVID-19 situation.
At the conference, which was held under the theme of 'Recognition of Russian Humanities: The World in Russia,' six professors from the HK+ Research Project Group of the Russian Institute presented the presentation. Under the theme of 'New Russian Music: Between Mujo Music and Soundscape,' Professor Lee Ji-yeon introduced Russian avant-garde music and representative musicians who absorbed the tradition of Russian music and conducted various musical experiments. In a statement titled 'Ivan Gonzarov's Around the World: A Silhouette of Britons and Russians,' HK Research Professor Kim Joon-seok explained that Russian writer Gonzarov's appreciation of Europe, especially British and British, was reflected in the main characters in the author's signature 'Oblomov.' Under the title 'West's Adventures: Foreigners and Other Characters in Russian Films,' HK Research Professor Ra Seung-do announced how Westerners are portrayed in Russian films and how non-Chinese (mainly Chinese) who have recently started appearing frequently in Russian films are portrayed.
In the second session, Professor Eo Geon-ju of HK Research explained the conditions, causes, and processes under the theme of 'Language Borrowing: Interaction Inside and Outside,' in which various foreign vocabulary such as French, English, and Turkic are borrowed into Russian. Under the theme of 'Dreaming of Russian Provinces, European Cities,' HK Research Professor Kim Hye-jin announced how her yearning and envy for European cities were expressed not only in the Russian capital but also in the process of developing local cities. Professor Song Jun-seo of HK said, 'Half success? Under the theme of 'Accept the capitalist method and use the Soviet method,' Lenin and Stalin, the two leaders of the Soviet system, introduced the Western capitalist method without hesitation to overcome the Soviet backwardness, but only half succeeded.
After each presentation, not only presenters, but also debaters and attendees had a meaningful time to discuss the influence of others, especially Western culture, across various fields in Russia. The articles presented at the conference will be published as a general document of the institute through future work.