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제185차 The narrative of Rusopovia: an epic approach to Russian hate discourse.

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 420
On December 6, 2022 (Tue), the HK+ business group of the Russian Institute (Director Pyo Sang-yong, Professor of Norology) held the 185th regular Coloquium in the conference room of the Russian Institute on the 4th floor of the Global Campus International Social Education Institute. The Coloquium was held as part of the Korean Research Foundation's Humanities and Korean Business (HK+) academic activities (Agenda: Re-recognition of Russian Humanities Space: World in Russia, Russia in the World). In the Coloquium presentation, Dr. Jeon Mi-ra, a senior researcher at the Russian Institute, explained the historical origin of the basic narrative discourse through 'Rusophobia: An epic approach to Russian hate discourse,' and explained the etymology of Russophobia, which symbolizes anti-Russian sentiment in the international community.

In particular, Dr. Jeon Mi-ra compared and explained in detail the differentiated characteristics of Rusopovia in various countries until recently, including the Russia-Ukraine war that broke out in February this year. In response to Dr. Jeon Mi-ra's in-depth and fresh presentation, researchers at the Russian Institute, who attended the Coloquium, also discussed the Korean case and discussed the application of the etymology and terminology of Rusophobia by period. So all the participants agreed to describe Rusofovia as the next planned book of the Russian Institute. For reference, the Russian Research Institute has been conducting the Coloquium since March 2000.